HIV Counselling is one of the best way to cure its effects. Well, HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which when entering the body destroys the body's defenses and facilitates the appearance of infections and some types of cancer (advanced stage of the disease). The prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continues to be a high priority for public health and the institutions that work in it.
The AIDS is an advanced stage of the disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It appears when the virus has destroyed the body's defenses to such an extent that it facilitates the appearance of opportunistic infections and some types of cancer.
When the virus enters the body, generally, no symptoms of disease appear or they are very nonspecific, but people infected with the virus produce antibodies against it and these can be detected in their blood by analysis. However, it takes a long time (years) for opportunistic infections or certain cancers to appear (because the virus remains active during this period, seriously affecting the patient's immune system), at which point we say that the person with HIV has AIDS.
For now, HIV infection has no cure, but there are effective treatments that slow down the activity of the virus and, in most cases, allow many years to live without serious complications. Still, it must be remembered that AIDS is a very serious and life-threatening disease.
In the absence of vaccine or curative treatment of HIV Counselling in Delhi & prevention continues to be the only effective way to fight HIV and it is recommended:
The condom has proven to be the most effective method in preventing HIV transmission through vaginal, anal, and oral sex penetrations. Its use is also a very effective way to prevent other STDs.
It is advisable to always use a condom, also with a stable partner, unless both people know that they do not have HIV. Using a condom should not be a matter of trust or mistrust but of responsibility and affection.
Rapid diagnostic tests provide immediate results, and are an effective instrument for the proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment of patients. So, as HIV counselling training is one of the best way according to Dr. PK Gupta to eliminate its effectiveness within human body.